
Friday, October 21, 2016

An Exuberant Song

 Many thanks to Magaly Guerrero for hosting this fantastic blog party. We need more magic in the world and too often it's the small quiet wonders that have vanished before some of us even knew they were there.

I have a garden and it has a purpose bigger than me. It's not a veggie garden or a tidy flower border or trimmed topiaries. Those kinds of gardens are all wonderful, but it isn't what was intended in this place. This garden, my garden, is a crazy, haphazard, joyful mix of echinacea, anemones, salvia, lavender, roses, foxglove, mallow and butterfly bushes. It has at least a dozen herbs scattered through it. Sweet woodruff, lemon thyme, sage, dill and many more.
   Every fall the witch-hazel is full of praying mantis nests. I've come out the door a bit too fast and startled two dozen or more yellow finches feasting off the tops of the echinacea cones. They flew off in a whir of golden wings.
The garden is a circus of hummingbirds, butterflies and bees.
There are jewel-colored beetles that I have no names for and some very pretty spiders. (not my favorites, but I have found if I don't quarrel with them they generally leave me alone)
This particular garden is a lure, a siren singing an exuberant song.
It's melody is in it's scents and colors, the swaying stems of sunflowers, the plop of rain on leaves. The droning of insects in the summer sun. It's singing, 'come here, you are safe, you are welcome. There are no poisons, no death to carry back to your hives and your nests. There is enough for all. Be welcome, be safe. Rest awhile. Return. There is plenty.

I made this doll as a kind of representation of the garden and how I see it's abundance spilling over, protecting and nurturing the small living things that come to it and need it so.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoy the rest of the wonderful offerings!


  1. Your doll is beautiful! The garden sounds a fabulous haven.

  2. I too have such a fantastical existence with my own backyard. Your doll is royally beautiful.

  3. Doll and your description of your little heaven on earth are truly appreciated and much needed. Thanks for a delightful read. xoxo Oma Linda

  4. The doll is pretty but the description of your garden is great!

  5. I like wild, crazy quilt gardens too. The artwork is just so much fun.

  6. A garden of life the keeps on giving... I love the flowers you've planted in your tales, what they do for all, what they give to the ones that need it most, they joy the narrator takes on sharing...

    And your is a protectress in bloom--regal, beautiful, inspiring.

    Thank you so much for this post, and for reminding us of what we will miss... if we don't pay close attention.

  7. My goodness❤️ the doll is simply breathtaking and yes I can picture the lush and bewitching garden that blooms within ❤️

  8. Such an amazing doll!!! Love her <3

  9. Oh wow, your garden sounds like heaven! I just felt the magic of nature from your vivid description. And your doll is so elegant. Thank you for inviting us to your enchanting and soothing space.

  10. Your doll is a great representation of your garden. She is wonderful!

  11. I love, love,love your doll...and your garden sounds very like my own except more colourful :D I am greeted every day with bird song and buzzing...and have lovely rotting wood piles and ponds full of frogs. We each share the love to build oasis for nature . Blessings XXX

  12. Firstly, I adore the name of your blog!!! :D

    Secondly, I adore your dolly! She is utterly gorgeous!

    Thirdly, I have zero talent for gardening, but I do appreciate a lovely garden and your garden sounds absolutely glorious!

  13. Your doll is beautiful and your post almost got me crying. The message for me was so important. I bought a little old one bedroom mobile home and I have a good sized yard since my home is so small. In the middle of my yard is a big circle of rocks with a couple drought resistant grasses and a large mound of clover. I have been trying to figure out what I can do with this, and it has to be healing and safe for every creature. You just showed me what to do. I am sure that was not your intent, however look how talking about your garden gave another being to do the same. It's all healing and spreading the healing. Thank you SO much! And so it begins. Hugs, Rasz
