
Friday, March 6, 2015

Tin of the Month Club...March

I'm so ready for spring! I was just listening to Joni Mitchell sing 'Just a Little Green' and that is what inspired me to make this wee tin for March.
Just want a little green.....

I'm looking forward to nesty little birds and the dawn chorus. And fresh green buds and the smell of spring. It can't come too soon!

My buddy rackycoo is playing with tins over at her blog Junk&Stuff and you can see her March offering HERE.

My January and February tins are HERE.


  1. Love the quail! Can't wait for spring. What size of green beads did you use on this cuties?

  2. Hi there! The tins are pretty small...about 1.5 inches across, so I used micro beads and diamond glaze to glue them down.
