
Monday, May 5, 2014

My awesome friend Kathie Vezzani is doing a workshop!

While I was at the Art is...You retreat in Petaluma, California last year, I met an extraordinary and creative woman called Kathie Vezzani, a mixed media artist, passionate teacher and one very clever cookie!
She's a magician with plaster and wax and I'm very excited to announce her two week on line course called,
Plaster and Wax 101
portraits illuminated from within

And don't worry! If you don't know anything about encaustic wax and plaster, this is a beginning course, as the name implies, and we'll be in good hands. (Yep, I'm taking it too!) Kathie will guide us through the basics of working with both mediums, sharing her skills and humor in equal measure.
Plaster is an ancient medium that was used as the ground for the wonderful frescoes painted throughout Europe. It's luminous, yummy surface is the perfect place to paint our own creations.
Kathie will go over the basics of how to paint a 'pretty face' then she steps out of the box and shows us that we needn't conform to the rules. Yay!
She'll guide us through the steps of using layers of encaustic wax to make our paintings glow, adding oil paint to soften edges and add color.
This has so many possibilities for those of us who like to layer and distress. I'm looking forward to exploring ways to add to my mixed media skills and giving my imagination more language/tools to use.

This is a two week long online course and will be available for one full year, so you can learn at your own pace (I'm messy and a slow mover, so for me that translates into 'make a mess at your own speed'.) and begins;

May 19th!

Kathie is teaching her course online at Jeanne Oliver's great site 'Musings of a Creative Life' and you can get all the information you need to sign up HERE.

So come along with me and share an adventure!
I'll be blogging about my progress from time to time (I did say I was a slow mover) so look for some posts here as well.

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