
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Cat House

'Cat House' was created for an Edward Gorey swap on Craftster, and was inspired by Edward Gorey's "Categorey," a whimsical little book full of one of his favorite subjects, his cats.
I feel like it's a bit of a tribute to him......I've always loved his way of looking at the world and his wonderful and distinctive style of drawing. Which, by the way, is harder to imitate than it looks!
All the cats on this piece were hand drawn. It was a lot of fun and for a little while,  I got to immerse myself in Gorey's world.

Cat House. Altered Altoid tin.

1 comment:

  1. I too am a cat lover and this is so darn cute I would love to know how you made it. I love your drawings so whimsical!
