
Saturday, March 16, 2013

I wish I was in France.........


  1. I love this house, it is so cool. But, however did you find the triptych house front? I see the altoid tin and the base looks like an ATC or 4x4 chipboard piece, but where did you ever find or carve that house front? Lovely work.....

    Theresa Goldman

  2. I thought I had entered a comment yesterday. Oh well, here goes. Love this piece to bits!! I can see the altoid tin and other AS bits but what is the front of the triptych constructed of? Is it premade or did you cut it out of chipboard? The base reminds me of an ATC. It is a gorgeous piece and I was wondering how it worked. Thanks for sharing with us on AS.

  3. Beautiful, I love that paper!

  4. Thank you so much for the info. You do such a great job at it. Hmm, my attempt will probably look like the leaning tower of Pisa but I think I will give it a try. Thanks for sharing.
