
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Through the studio window

Crazy March weather.....we don't know whether to break out the capris or keep the winter coats handy. Today it's definitely winter coats. Though I am eager for spring, I love what the snow has done to add contrast to the wet road, the greenery and the rusty red of the budding maple tree.
(Click on the picture to get the full size)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

One of my favorites

This matchbox house triptych has been a favorite of mine for a while.  It's obviously not a new piece, (made last year) but I'm gradually integrating what I had on the old blog as a visual record of my work.
"Time Flies," matchboxes, old watch parts, G45 paper (the butterflies were from 'Old Curiosity Shoppe), candlestick. The front facades were hand cut.

Monday, March 18, 2013

My altoid tin 'house' facades

I've had a couple of questions about where I get the facade pieces for the front of my altoid tin shrines.
I make them!
It's pretty dang easy.....I just draw the shape I want on graph paper, cut it out and use it as  a template on some nice stiff card board or book board. (none of my sketch pads have their backs for very long!) I use a straight edge and a sharp x-acto knife. I make several passes on each line instead of trying to cut all the way through in one go. It's a lot easier on my hands and I cut more accurately this way.
Someday I'd like to find a company who will cut bunches to my specifications, but for now, good old muscle does the trick.
Thank you for looking and asking questions!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

More from Graphic 45

I know I've said it before, but I really do love Graphic45 papers. No, they don't pay me to say that!
I just like the quality of the paper and the lovely graphics in most of the collections.
This little 3x3 box was made from the new 6x6 "French Country" line. The wee feet, gold knob and the black Dresden trim came from Alpha Stamps, one of my favorite online craft supply houses.
They don't pay me either, but they do send me lots of cools stuff to play with!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Completely gratuitous animal picture

This is my cat, Golly. I recently returned from visiting a friend in Atlanta and no sooner had I unpacked my bag..........
I'd like to think he missed me.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Easter Parade at Alpha Stamps!

Head on over to Alpha Stamps for the fun Easter Parade Accordion Book Swap!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Something new

I made this for a Craftster exchange.
Some vintage pieces like the clock face (most) of the gears and the pulley were from my stash, the papers are all Graphic 45. I've since sent it off, but I think it's about 12 inches high.
It was a lot of fun to make and it's always great to play in a Craftster swap!