
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A little silver spool


I made this little silver spool ornament for a Craftster buddy of mine (Knickertwist!)  I'm in a swap with.
For some reason, I lost a whole paragraph here...I said lots of nice things about Knickers...all true (funny lady, wicked good imagination, generous spirit and more) but I'll sum up and say I really wanted to do something special for her, mainly because she's an awesome human, but also because she participates in Art Abandonment, which is very special to me. If I'd been able to sneak up to her doorstep and leave the spool there, that would have been very apropos.
You can learn about Art Abandonment HERE

Knickertwist's website is called Pixie Hill and you can see her magical work there and on her blog Here.

Just FYI, this piece is made from PMC3 (precious metal clay) which is fine pure silver particles, binders and water. You can treat it like clay, roll it flat, stamp on it, make tiny things and attach them to other things... in a trazillion combinations.
It dries to leather hard and is then fired in a kiln at about 1200 degrees. The binders and water burn away and what you have left is the pure silver.
It's magic every time I open the kiln.
This was my first attempt at a hollow form bead. It was a lovely, enjoyable experiment and I want to make a lot more!

Friday, June 13, 2014

The Great Escape

Here's a little magic show I conjured up (look what I just did) for the Alpha Stamps awesome June Paper Theatres Kit.
I love the big fancy magic shows that used to be put on in those beautiful, opulent old theatres and used that for my inspiration. This very grand looking wizard has managed to make a few balloons appear out of thin air and  they've begun to escape the confines of the magic circle he has them trapped in and are now floating off into the theatre and the crowd.

This guy is either a genius or a really bad wizard......

 There's a link to supplies Here.

Thanks for stopping by!