
Sunday, November 24, 2013


The big eighty year old maple tree in my back yard was in it's glory this November. The loveliness of this autumn in my garden was the best I've seen. Everywhere you looked, there was color and texture. My favorite autumn ritual this year was to sit on the steps of my front porch in the morning, sip my coffee and gaze at this magnificent tree.
There are many things to be thankful for. Beauty in any form is surely one.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

A few pretty little baubles

My love affair with precious metal clay looks like it's turning into a permanent thing.
It's fun, easy to work with and extremely satisfying. Here are a few things that are on their way to being finished for the Christmas market here on December 7th.

Large Birdhouse Pendant (2"x1 1/4")

Sunflower earrings and pendant (1 1/4 " wide)

Leaf necklace (1 1/4" long x 3/4" wide)

These are silver coins ready for a necklace. (approx. 1' wide)